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Life in a Fish Bowl August 19, 2008

Posted by goodmind in Uncategorized.
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This instance of Attribute Dependency is in honor of Michael Phelps and his webbed feetthe Gumball Machine Fish Bowl.  Not only is it a creative idea, it’s a DIY project too.  Check out the instructions at Addicted 2 Decorating.

A Better Direct Connect August 4, 2008

Posted by goodmind in Subtraction.
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What happens when you subtract the conversation from a phone call?  You get slydial – “a voice message service that connects you directly to someone’s mobile voice mail.”  All you have to do is dial 267-SLYDIAL before placing your call, and then leave your message after the beep.

The slydial website has a rather tongue in cheek list of possible slydial Situations, which coincidentally, also subtract the awkwardness from certain unpleasant social situations.  Our favorite;

You go to a week long convention for work in Las Vegas and blow $5,000 the first night at the roulette table. You need to call your wife and tell her why she should hold off on making the monthly mortgage payment. Her voicemail will be much more understanding than she will.