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An Ashtray That Kicks Butt December 20, 2007

Posted by goodmind in Attribute Dependency.
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There are already plenty of incentives to quit smoking, but The Lung Ashtray from Finding Cheska is a refreshing illustration of both smoking’s ill effects, and Attribute Dependency.

“[The] design group’s take on the smoke disposal vessel is a clever and direct correlation of what we do to our real lungs when we inhale those nasty cancer sticks. And a clean Lung Ashtray signifies the path to respiratory health, unless, of course, you’ve decided to just use one of your other motivational ashtrays.” (via Core 77)

If you’ve tried the patch, the gum, and even cold turkey with no success, try a motivational ashtray.  Repurposing an accessory to the habit  can help you quit, because showing is inevitably more effective than telling.  We’re looking at you, Mr. Surgeon General…

Going for the Sweep December 11, 2007

Posted by goodmind in Task Unification.
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the sweep

We’ll confess up front, we do not practice due diligence when it comes to maintaining a clean office carpet.  It’s not laziness, it’s just that our two options, the vacuum and the broom, can’t get the job done.  That’s why we were pretty excited when we came across this instance of Task Unification on Yanko Design;

“Vacuums are great at picking up fine dust but suck horribly at bigger pieces of trash. Can we say clog anyone? Of course brooms have their caveat too. They’re great at moving big pieces of litter but forget about dirt and pet hair. Why not combine the two into a Vacuum Broom?”

This carpet cleaning solution is even more exciting when we consider its potential applications outside of the home.  Say the Red Sox are going for the sweep against the Yankees at Fenway.  Given the hostile environment (and the low collective IQ of the Nation), the Vacuum Broom is the perfect game day accessory.  It’s a subtle symbol of how you can go for the sweep, but still suck big time. 

U.S. Currency is Cool Again December 10, 2007

Posted by goodmind in Attribute Dependency, Multiplication.
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Here’s a money idea; origami with bills.  We’ve all been privvy to the parlor trick where a dollar bill becomes a bow tie, but here’s a more sophisticated take on the ancient art form;

“Origami is the art of paper folding. The word is Japanese, literally meaning to fold (oru) paper (kami) and comes in many styles and varieties. Moneygami is origami made from currency; the subtle genius lies in the way the artist incorporates the prints on the dollar bills into the facial characteristics of the finished figures.” (via Fun Fever)

Moneygami relies on Attribute Dependency and Multiplication to generate different looks for esteemed historical figures.  The result is the most useful paper doll ever (not to mention paper money that’s literally convertible). We’d love to buy a round of drinks with this jaunty looking Alexander Hamilton. 
